S.P.I.N. #8

STUDIO TIME: I know you must be thinking “Wow! It’s not even January and she’s gone back to the studio!” and yes, it’s been a pattern for me to, thus far, only have/make time once a year to pour into this project, but no more! J  God has been challenging me again,...

S.P.I.N. #10

Studio Time: It was just last week that I was able to be in the studio once again “And why…” you may ask “…has it taken so long to let us all know you were there?!” Well, the simplest answer is just the plain fact that not only has life been its usual busy (and we...

S.P.I.N. #7

A Continuing E-Newsletter About the 1st Album… Studio Time So it’s January and, as promised, I’m pursuing the album-making full speed ahead!   Two weeks ago I began, with the help of some friends J, putting together the list that would be the 13 songs that are on the...

S.P.I.N. #6

Hello all! This will be the last newsletter until January unless anything new happens ~ happy reading! :~) Studio Time None as of right now…but we’re starting in full swing in January after meagan’s wedding in December…that is occupying much of...

S.P.I.N. #5

Studio Time So to all of you who have asked about how things are going or have not given up hope, thanx so so much! :~) I’m still here and we’re still moving forward!  It may be slow, but it is steady progression and God is still leading us a step at a...

S.P.I.N. #4

Studio time: So Saturday, in Dan’s absence due to his Gramma’s passing, Dad took me in to Cottage grove and we met Randy for the first time.  My main concern was that I could be relaxed and able to really DO this with him as my producer (advice giver) and...